API documentation

POST /staging/download

Download from staging zone

Download from staging zone

Request JSON Object:
  • source_path (string) – (required)

  • source_system (string) – (required)

Status Codes:
POST /compress/zip

Creates a multipart zip file from a staging api source_system/source_path combination

Creates a multipart zip file from a staging api source_system/source_path combination

Request JSON Object:
  • size (integer) – (required)

  • source_path (string) – (required)

  • source_system (string) – (required)

Status Codes:
Response JSON Object:
  • request_id (string) – UUID (required)

GET /staging/info

Lists possible target / source systems

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – List of possible target / source

Response JSON Object:
  • [] (string) –

POST /staging/stage

Stage a dataset or subdataset (by enqueuing the request for latter processing)

Stage a dataset or subdataset (by enqueuing the request for latter processing)

Request JSON Object:
  • compression (string) – (required)

  • encryption (string) – (required)

  • heappe_url (string) –

  • job_id (integer) –

  • metadata.AlternateIdentifier[][] (string) –

  • metadata.CustomMetadata (object) –

  • metadata.CustomMetadataSchema[] (object) –

  • metadata.contributor[] (string) –

  • metadata.creator[] (string) –

  • metadata.identifier (string) – Datacite identifier (doi), unused for now

  • metadata.owner[] (string) –

  • metadata.publicationYear (string) –

  • metadata.publisher[] (string) –

  • metadata.relatedIdentifier[] (string) –

  • metadata.resourceType (string) –

  • metadata.resourceTypeGeneral (string) –

  • metadata.rightsIdentifier[] (string) –

  • metadata.rightsURI[] (string) –

  • metadata.rights[] (string) –

  • metadata.title (string) –

  • source_path (string) – (required)

  • source_system (string) – (required)

  • target_path (string) – (required)

  • target_system (string) – (required)

  • task_id (integer) –

Status Codes:
  • 201 Created – The response code means that the data transfer has been initiated. Status of the transfer can be checked by querying the status.

  • 400 Bad Request – This means that there’s something wrong in the input parameters and the server couldn’t understand the request.

  • 401 Unauthorized – This means that the user is not authenticated with keycloak and data transfer can’t be triggered unless the user first log in with a valid user

  • 403 Forbidden – This means that the resource the user is trying to transfer from or to is not readable or writable by the user. User doesn’t have the correct rights to either read the source file or write on the target system location.

  • 404 Not Found – This means that either the source path or the the target path on the system doesn’t exist.

  • 414 Request URI Too Long – This means that the either the source path or the target path is longer than the server is willing to interpret.

  • 429 Too Many Requests – This means that the user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time. The user is advised to wait and send the request again.

  • 500 Internal Server Error – This means that something has gone wrong on the data transfer steering server. The user is advised to wait and send the request again.

Response JSON Object:
  • request_id (string) – UUID (required)

DELETE /staging/delete

This is called when a user request to delete data. This is only allowed on the staging systems.

This is called when a user request to delete data. This is only allowed on the staging systems.

Request JSON Object:
  • heappe_url (string) –

  • job_id (integer) –

  • target_path (string) – (required)

  • target_system (string) – (required)

  • task_id (integer) –

Status Codes:
  • 201 Created – The response code means that the data deletion has been initiated. Status of the deletion can be checked by querying the status.

  • 400 Bad Request – This means that there’s something wrong in the input parameters and the server couldn’t understand the request.

  • 401 Unauthorized – This means that the user is not authenticated with keycloak and data deletion can’t be triggered unless the user first log in with a valid user

  • 403 Forbidden – This means that the resource the user is trying to delete from or to is not readable or writable by the user. User doesn’t have the correct rights to delete the data on the target system location.

  • 404 Not Found – This means that the the target path on the system doesn’t exist.

  • 414 Request URI Too Long – This means that the the target path is longer than the server is willing to interpret.

  • 429 Too Many Requests – This means that the user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time. The user is advised to wait and send the request again.

  • 500 Internal Server Error – This means that something has gone wrong on the data transfer steering server. The user is advised to wait and send the request again.

Response JSON Object:
  • request_id (string) – UUID (required)

GET /staging/stage/{request_id}

Check the status of a transfer

Check the status of a transfer

  • request_id (string) –

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – This means that the status has been returned to the user in the response body.

  • 400 Bad Request – This means that the request ID given by the user is incorrect.

  • 401 Unauthorized – This means that the user is not authenticated with keycloak and data transfer can’t be triggered unless the user first log in with a valid user

  • 404 Not Found – This means that the ID doesn’t exist and thus a status can’t be returned.

  • 414 Request URI Too Long – This means that the the request ID is longer than the server is willing to interpret.

  • 500 Internal Server Error – This means that something has gone wrong on the data transfer steering server. The user is advised to wait and send the request again.

Response JSON Object:
  • status (string) – (required)

  • target_path (string) – Single path for staging endpoints

  • target_paths[] (string) –

GET /staging/delete/{request_id}

Check the status of a delete request

Check the status of a delete request

  • request_id (string) –

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – This means that the status has been returned to the user in the response body.

  • 400 Bad Request – This means that the request ID given by the user is incorrect.

  • 401 Unauthorized – This means that the user is not authenticated with keycloak and data transfer can’t be triggered unless the user first log in with a valid user

  • 404 Not Found – This means that the ID doesn’t exist and thus a status can’t be returned.

  • 414 Request URI Too Long – This means that the the request ID is longer than the server is willing to interpret.

  • 500 Internal Server Error – This means that something has gone wrong on the data transfer steering server. The user is advised to wait and send the request again.

Response JSON Object:
  • status (string) – (required)

GET /cloud/add/{param}

Check the status of a nfs export add request for the cloud

Check the status of a nfs export add request for the cloud

  • param (string) – queue identifier returned by a POST request at /cloud/add/{param}

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – This means that the status has been returned to the user in the response body.

  • 400 Bad Request – This means that the request ID given by the user is incorrect.

  • 401 Unauthorized – This means that the user is not authenticated with keycloak and NFS export can’t be triggered unless the user first log in with a valid user

  • 403 Forbidden – The IP is outside of the allowed range

  • 404 Not Found – This means that the ID doesn’t exist and thus a status can’t be returned.

  • 414 Request URI Too Long – This means that the the request ID is longer than the server is willing to interpret.

  • 500 Internal Server Error – This means that something has gone wrong on the data transfer steering server. The user is advised to wait and send the request again.

Response JSON Object:
  • status (string) – (required)

POST /cloud/add/{param}

Request that an nfs export be created for an LRZ cloud instance

Request that an nfs export be created for an LRZ cloud instance

  • param (string) – IP of the cloud machine

Status Codes:
  • 201 Created – The response code means that the request for addition has been initiated. Status of the addition process can be checked by querying the status.

  • 400 Bad Request – This means that the request ID given by the user is incorrect.

  • 401 Unauthorized – This means that the user is not authenticated with keycloak and data transfer can’t be triggered unless the user first log in with a valid user

  • 403 Forbidden – The IP is outside of the allowed range

  • 414 Request URI Too Long – This means that the the request ID is longer than the server is willing to interpret.

  • 500 Internal Server Error – This means that something has gone wrong on the data transfer steering server. The user is advised to wait and send the request again.

Response JSON Object:
  • request_id (string) – UUID (required)

GET /cloud/remove/{param}

Check the status of a nfs export remove request for the cloud

Check the status of a nfs export remove request for the cloud

  • param (string) – queue identifier returned by a POST request at /cloud/remove/{param}

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – This means that the status has been returned to the user in the response body.

  • 400 Bad Request – This means that the request ID given by the user is incorrect.

  • 401 Unauthorized – This means that the user is not authenticated with keycloak and data transfer can’t be triggered unless the user first log in with a valid user

  • 404 Not Found – This means that the ID doesn’t exist and thus a status can’t be returned.

  • 414 Request URI Too Long – This means that the the request ID is longer than the server is willing to interpret.

  • 500 Internal Server Error – This means that something has gone wrong on the data transfer steering server. The user is advised to wait and send the request again.

Response JSON Object:
  • status (string) – (required)

POST /cloud/remove/{param}

Request that an nfs export be removed for an LRZ cloud instance

Request that an nfs export be removed for an LRZ cloud instance

  • param (string) – IP of the cloud machine

Status Codes:
  • 201 Created – The response code means that the request for removal has been initiated. Status of the removal process can be checked by querying the status.

  • 400 Bad Request – This means that the request ID given by the user is incorrect.

  • 401 Unauthorized – This means that the user is not authenticated with keycloak and data transfer can’t be triggered unless the user first log in with a valid user

  • 414 Request URI Too Long – This means that the the request ID is longer than the server is willing to interpret.

  • 500 Internal Server Error – This means that something has gone wrong on the data transfer steering server. The user is advised to wait and send the request again.

Response JSON Object:
  • request_id (string) – UUID (required)

POST /replicate

This is called when a user requests data to be replicated between different systems. The request will be added to the jobs queue.

This is called when a user requests data to be replicated between different systems. The request will be added to the jobs queue.

Request JSON Object:
  • source_path (string) – (required)

  • source_system (string) – (required)

  • target_path (string) –

  • target_system (string) – (required)

Status Codes:
  • 201 Created – The response code means that the data transfer has been initiated. Status of the transfer can be checked by querying the status.

  • 400 Bad Request – This means that there’s something wrong in the input parameters and the server couldn’t understand the request.

  • 401 Unauthorized – This means that the user is not authenticated with keycloak and data transfer can’t be triggered unless the user first log in with a valid user

  • 403 Forbidden – This means that the resource the user is trying to transfer from or to is not readable or writable by the user. User doesn’t have the correct rights to either read the source file or write on the target system location.

  • 404 Not Found – This means that either the source path or the the target path on the system doesn’t exist.

  • 414 Request URI Too Long – This means that the either the source path or the target path is longer than the server is willing to interpret.

  • 429 Too Many Requests – This means that the user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time. The user is advised to wait and send the request again.

  • 500 Internal Server Error – This means that something has gone wrong on the data transfer steering server. The user is advised to wait and send the request again.

Response JSON Object:
  • request_id (string) – UUID (required)

GET /replicate/{request_id}

This is called when a user requests to check the status of his data replication

This is called when a user requests to check the status of his data replication

  • request_id (string) –

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – This means that the status has been returned to the user in the response body.

  • 400 Bad Request – This means that there’s something wrong in the input parameters and the server couldn’t understand the request.

  • 401 Unauthorized – This means that the user is not authenticated with keycloak and data transfer can’t be triggered unless the user first log in with a valid user

  • 403 Forbidden – This means that the resource the user is trying to transfer from or to is not readable or writable by the user. User doesn’t have the correct rights to either read the source file or write on the target system location.

  • 404 Not Found – This means that either the source path or the the target path on the system doesn’t exist.

  • 414 Request URI Too Long – This means that the either the source path or the target path is longer than the server is willing to interpret.

  • 429 Too Many Requests – This means that the user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time. The user is advised to wait and send the request again.

  • 500 Internal Server Error – This means that something has gone wrong on the data transfer steering server. The user is advised to wait and send the request again.

Response JSON Object:
  • PID (string) – EUDAT PID of the replicated data

  • status (string) – Status of the data replication process (required)

  • target_path (string) – Path to where the data are replicated

POST /pid/assign

This is called when a user requests PID assignment to a dataset.

This is called when a user requests PID assignment to a dataset.

Request JSON Object:
  • parent_pid (string) –

  • source_path (string) – (required)

  • source_system (string) – (required)

Status Codes:
  • 201 Created – This is called when a user requests PID assignment to a dataset.

  • 400 Bad Request – This means that there’s something wrong in the input parameters and the server couldn’t understand the request.

  • 401 Unauthorized – This means that the user is not authenticated with keycloak and data transfer can’t be triggered unless the user first log in with a valid user

  • 403 Forbidden – This means that the resource the user is trying to transfer from or to is not readable or writable by the user. User doesn’t have the correct rights to either read the source file or write on the target system location.

  • 404 Not Found – This means that either the source path or the the target path on the system doesn’t exist.

  • 414 Request URI Too Long – This means that the either the source path or the target path is longer than the server is willing to interpret.

  • 429 Too Many Requests – This means that the user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time. The user is advised to wait and send the request again.

  • 500 Internal Server Error – This means that something has gone wrong on the data transfer steering server. The user is advised to wait and send the request again.

Response JSON Object:
  • request_id (string) – UUID (required)

GET /pid/{request_id}

This is called when a user requests to check the status of the PID assignment

This is called when a user requests to check the status of his data replication

  • request_id (string) –

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – This means that the status has been returned to the user in the response body.

  • 400 Bad Request – This means that there’s something wrong in the input parameters and the server couldn’t understand the request.

  • 401 Unauthorized – This means that the user is not authenticated with keycloak and data transfer can’t be triggered unless the user first log in with a valid user

  • 403 Forbidden – This means that the resource the user is trying to transfer from or to is not readable or writable by the user. User doesn’t have the correct rights to either read the source file or write on the target system location.

  • 404 Not Found – This means that either the source path or the the target path on the system doesn’t exist.

  • 414 Request URI Too Long – This means that the either the source path or the target path is longer than the server is willing to interpret.

  • 429 Too Many Requests – This means that the user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time. The user is advised to wait and send the request again.

  • 500 Internal Server Error – This means that something has gone wrong on the data transfer steering server. The user is advised to wait and send the request again.

Response JSON Object:
  • PID (string) – EUDAT PID of the replicated data

  • status (string) – Status of the data replication process (required)

  • target_path (string) – Path to where the data are replicated

POST /data/size

This is called when a user requests size of a dataset.

This is called when a user requests size of a dataset.

Request JSON Object:
  • target_path (string) – (required)

  • target_system (string) – (required)

Status Codes:
  • 201 Created – This is called when a user requests size of a dataset.

  • 400 Bad Request – This means that there’s something wrong in the input parameters and the server couldn’t understand the request.

  • 401 Unauthorized – This means that the user is not authenticated with keycloak and data transfer can’t be triggered unless the user first log in with a valid user

  • 403 Forbidden – This means that the resource the user is trying to transfer from or to is not readable or writable by the user. User doesn’t have the correct rights to either read the source file or write on the target system location.

  • 404 Not Found – This means that either the source path or the the target path on the system doesn’t exist.

  • 414 Request URI Too Long – This means that the either the source path or the target path is longer than the server is willing to interpret.

  • 429 Too Many Requests – This means that the user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time. The user is advised to wait and send the request again.

  • 500 Internal Server Error – This means that something has gone wrong on the data transfer steering server. The user is advised to wait and send the request again.

Response JSON Object:
  • request_id (string) – UUID (required)

GET /data/size/{request_id}

This is called when a user requests to check the status of datasize request

This is called when a user requests to check the status of datasize request

  • request_id (string) –

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – This means that the status has been returned to the user in the response body.

  • 400 Bad Request – This means that there’s something wrong in the input parameters and the server couldn’t understand the request.

  • 401 Unauthorized – This means that the user is not authenticated with keycloak and data transfer can’t be triggered unless the user first log in with a valid user

  • 403 Forbidden – This means that the resource the user is trying to transfer from or to is not readable or writable by the user. User doesn’t have the correct rights to either read the source file or write on the target system location.

  • 404 Not Found – This means that either the source path or the the target path on the system doesn’t exist.

  • 414 Request URI Too Long – This means that the either the source path or the target path is longer than the server is willing to interpret.

  • 429 Too Many Requests – This means that the user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time. The user is advised to wait and send the request again.

  • 500 Internal Server Error – This means that something has gone wrong on the data transfer steering server. The user is advised to wait and send the request again.

Response JSON Object:
  • result (string) – Status of the datasize get process (required)

  • size (string) – dataset size

  • smallfiles (string) – dataset small files

  • totalfiles (string) – dataset total files

POST /data/flags

This is called when a user requests encryption and compression flags of a dataset.

This is called when a user requests encryption and compression flags of a dataset.

Request JSON Object:
  • target_path (string) – (required)

  • target_system (string) – (required)

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – This is called when a user requests encryption and compression flags of a dataset.

  • 400 Bad Request – This means that there’s something wrong in the input parameters and the server couldn’t understand the request.

  • 401 Unauthorized – This means that the user is not authenticated with keycloak and data transfer can’t be triggered unless the user first log in with a valid user

  • 403 Forbidden – This means that the resource the user is trying to transfer from or to is not readable or writable by the user. User doesn’t have the correct rights to either read the source file or write on the target system location.

  • 404 Not Found – This means that either the source path or the the target path on the system doesn’t exist.

  • 414 Request URI Too Long – This means that the either the source path or the target path is longer than the server is willing to interpret.

  • 429 Too Many Requests – This means that the user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time. The user is advised to wait and send the request again.

  • 500 Internal Server Error – This means that something has gone wrong on the data transfer steering server. The user is advised to wait and send the request again.

Response JSON Object:
  • compression (string) – encryption flag (required)

  • encryption (string) – encryption flag (required)

POST /staging/duplicate

Duplicate a dataset or subdataset (by enqueuing the request for latter processing)

Duplicate a dataset or subdataset (by enqueuing the request for latter processing)

Request JSON Object:
  • source_path (string) – (required)

  • source_system (string) – (required)

  • target_path (string) –

  • target_system (string) –

  • title (string) –

Status Codes:
  • 201 Created – The response code means that the duplication has been initiated. Status of the transfer can be checked by querying the status.

  • 400 Bad Request – This means that there’s something wrong in the input parameters and the server couldn’t understand the request.

  • 401 Unauthorized – This means that the user is not authenticated with keycloak and duplication can’t be triggered unless the user first log in with a valid user

  • 403 Forbidden – This means that the resource the user is trying to duplicate from or to is not readable or writable by the user. User doesn’t have the correct rights to either read the source file or write on the target system location.

  • 404 Not Found – This means that either the source path or the the target path on the system doesn’t exist.

  • 414 Request URI Too Long – This means that the either the source path or the target path is longer than the server is willing to interpret.

  • 429 Too Many Requests – This means that the user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time. The user is advised to wait and send the request again.

  • 500 Internal Server Error – This means that something has gone wrong on the data transfer steering server. The user is advised to wait and send the request again.

Response JSON Object:
  • request_id (string) – UUID (required)

GET /staging/duplicate/{request_id}

Check the status of duplication

Check the status of duplication

  • request_id (string) –

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – This means that the status has been returned to the user in the response body.

  • 400 Bad Request – This means that the request ID given by the user is incorrect.

  • 401 Unauthorized – This means that the user is not authenticated with keycloak and duplication can’t be triggered unless the user first log in with a valid user

  • 404 Not Found – This means that the ID doesn’t exist and thus a status can’t be returned.

  • 414 Request URI Too Long – This means that the the request ID is longer than the server is willing to interpret.

  • 500 Internal Server Error – This means that something has gone wrong on the data transfer steering server. The user is advised to wait and send the request again.

Response JSON Object:
  • status (string) – (required)

  • target_path (string) – Single path for staging endpoints

POST /encryption/encrypt

Encrypt a dataset or subdataset (by enqueuing the request for latter processing)

Encrypt a dataset or subdataset (by enqueuing the request for latter processing)

Request JSON Object:
  • project (string) – (required)

  • source_path (string) – (required)

  • source_system (string) – (required)

Status Codes:
  • 201 Created – The response code means that the encryption has been initiated. Status of the operation can be checked by querying the status.

  • 400 Bad Request – This means that there’s something wrong in the input parameters and the server couldn’t understand the request.

  • 401 Unauthorized – This means that the user is not authenticated with keycloak and encryption can’t be triggered unless the user first log in with a valid user

  • 403 Forbidden – This means that the resource the user is trying to encrypt from or to is not readable. User doesn’t have the correct rights to read the source file.

  • 404 Not Found – This means that the source path on the system doesn’t exist.

  • 414 Request URI Too Long – This means that the source path is longer than the server is willing to interpret.

  • 429 Too Many Requests – This means that the user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time. The user is advised to wait and send the request again.

  • 500 Internal Server Error – This means that something has gone wrong on the burst buffer. The user is advised to wait and send the request again.

Response JSON Object:
  • request_id (string) – UUID (required)

POST /encryption/decrypt

Decrypt a dataset or subdataset (by enqueuing the request for latter processing)

Decrypt a dataset or subdataset (by enqueuing the request for latter processing)

Request JSON Object:
  • project (string) – (required)

  • source_path (string) – (required)

  • source_system (string) – (required)

Status Codes:
  • 201 Created – The response code means that the decryption has been initiated. Status of the operation can be checked by querying the status.

  • 400 Bad Request – This means that there’s something wrong in the input parameters and the server couldn’t understand the request.

  • 401 Unauthorized – This means that the user is not authenticated with keycloak and decryption can’t be triggered unless the user first log in with a valid user

  • 403 Forbidden – This means that the resource the user is trying to decrypt from or to is not readable. User doesn’t have the correct rights to read the source file.

  • 404 Not Found – This means that the source path on the system doesn’t exist.

  • 414 Request URI Too Long – This means that the either the source path is longer than the server is willing to interpret.

  • 429 Too Many Requests – This means that the user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time. The user is advised to wait and send the request again.

  • 500 Internal Server Error – This means that something has gone wrong on the burst buffer. The user is advised to wait and send the request again.

Response JSON Object:
  • request_id (string) – UUID (required)

POST /encryption/compress

Compress a dataset or subdataset (by enqueuing the request for latter processing)

Compress a dataset or subdataset (by enqueuing the request for latter processing)

Request JSON Object:
  • source_path (string) – (required)

  • source_system (string) – (required)

Status Codes:
  • 201 Created – The response code means that the compression has been initiated. Status of the operation can be checked by querying the status.

  • 400 Bad Request – This means that there’s something wrong in the input parameters and the server couldn’t understand the request.

  • 401 Unauthorized – This means that the user is not authenticated with keycloak and compression can’t be triggered unless the user first log in with a valid user

  • 403 Forbidden – This means that the resource the user is trying to compress is not readable. User doesn’t have the correct rights to read the source file.

  • 404 Not Found – This means that the source path on the system doesn’t exist.

  • 414 Request URI Too Long – This means that the either the source path is longer than the server is willing to interpret.

  • 429 Too Many Requests – This means that the user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time. The user is advised to wait and send the request again.

  • 500 Internal Server Error – This means that something has gone wrong on the burst buffer. The user is advised to wait and send the request again.

Response JSON Object:
  • request_id (string) – UUID (required)

POST /encryption/decompress

Decompress a dataset or subdataset (by enqueuing the request for latter processing)

Decompress a dataset or subdataset (by enqueuing the request for latter processing)

Request JSON Object:
  • source_path (string) – (required)

  • source_system (string) – (required)

Status Codes:
  • 201 Created – The response code means that the decompression has been initiated. Status of the operation can be checked by querying the status.

  • 400 Bad Request – This means that there’s something wrong in the input parameters and the server couldn’t understand the request.

  • 401 Unauthorized – This means that the user is not authenticated with keycloak and decompression can’t be triggered unless the user first log in with a valid user

  • 403 Forbidden – This means that the resource the user is trying to compress is not readable by the user. User doesn’t have the correct rights to read the source file.

  • 404 Not Found – This means that either the source path on the system doesn’t exist.

  • 414 Request URI Too Long – This means that the either the source path is longer than the server is willing to interpret.

  • 429 Too Many Requests – This means that the user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time. The user is advised to wait and send the request again.

  • 500 Internal Server Error – This means that something has gone wrong on the burst buffer. The user is advised to wait and send the request again.

Response JSON Object:
  • request_id (string) – UUID (required)

POST /encryption/compress_encrypt

Compress and encrypt a dataset or subdataset (by enqueuing the request for latter processing)

Compress and encrypt a dataset or subdataset (by enqueuing the request for latter processing)

Request JSON Object:
  • project (string) – (required)

  • source_path (string) – (required)

  • source_system (string) – (required)

Status Codes:
  • 201 Created – The response code means that the compression and encryption has been initiated. Status of the operation can be checked by querying the status.

  • 400 Bad Request – This means that there’s something wrong in the input parameters and the server couldn’t understand the request.

  • 401 Unauthorized – This means that the user is not authenticated with keycloak and compression with encryption can’t be triggered unless the user first log in with a valid user

  • 403 Forbidden – This means that the resource the user is trying to compress and encrypt is not readable by the user. User doesn’t have the correct rights to read the source file.

  • 404 Not Found – This means that either the source path on the system doesn’t exist.

  • 414 Request URI Too Long – This means that the source path is longer than the server is willing to interpret.

  • 429 Too Many Requests – This means that the user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time. The user is advised to wait and send the request again.

  • 500 Internal Server Error – This means that something has gone wrong on the burst buffer. The user is advised to wait and send the request again.

Response JSON Object:
  • request_id (string) – UUID (required)

POST /encryption/decrypt_decompress

Decrypt and decompress a dataset or subdataset (by enqueuing the request for latter processing)

Decrypt and decompress a dataset or subdataset (by enqueuing the request for latter processing)

Request JSON Object:
  • project (string) – (required)

  • source_path (string) – (required)

  • source_system (string) – (required)

Status Codes:
  • 201 Created – The response code means that the decryption and decompression has been initiated. Status of the operation can be checked by querying the status.

  • 400 Bad Request – This means that there’s something wrong in the input parameters and the server couldn’t understand the request.

  • 401 Unauthorized – This means that the user is not authenticated with keycloak decryption with decompression can’t be triggered unless the user first log in with a valid user

  • 403 Forbidden – This means that the resource the user is trying to decrypt and decompress from or to is not readable or writable by the user. User doesn’t have the correct rights to read the source file.

  • 404 Not Found – This means that either the source path on the system doesn’t exist.

  • 414 Request URI Too Long – This means that the either the source path is longer than the server is willing to interpret.

  • 429 Too Many Requests – This means that the user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time. The user is advised to wait and send the request again.

  • 500 Internal Server Error – This means that something has gone wrong on the burst buffer. The user is advised to wait and send the request again.

Response JSON Object:
  • request_id (string) – UUID (required)

GET /encryption/encrypt/{request_id}

Check the status of a encryption

Check the status of a encryption

  • request_id (string) –

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – This means that the status has been returned to the user in the response body.

  • 400 Bad Request – This means that the request ID given by the user is incorrect.

  • 401 Unauthorized – This means that the user is not authenticated with keycloak and encryption can’t be triggered unless the user first log in with a valid user

  • 404 Not Found – This means that the ID doesn’t exist and thus a status can’t be returned.

  • 414 Request URI Too Long – This means that the the request ID is longer than the server is willing to interpret.

  • 500 Internal Server Error – This means that something has gone wrong on the burst buffer. The user is advised to wait and send the request again.

Response JSON Object:
  • status (string) – (required)

  • target_path (string) – Single path for encryption endpoints

GET /encryption/decrypt/{request_id}

Check the status of a decryption

Check the status of a decryption

  • request_id (string) –

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – This means that the status has been returned to the user in the response body.

  • 400 Bad Request – This means that the request ID given by the user is incorrect.

  • 401 Unauthorized – This means that the user is not authenticated with keycloak and decryption can’t be triggered unless the user first log in with a valid user

  • 404 Not Found – This means that the ID doesn’t exist and thus a status can’t be returned.

  • 414 Request URI Too Long – This means that the the request ID is longer than the server is willing to interpret.

  • 500 Internal Server Error – This means that something has gone wrong on the burst buffer. The user is advised to wait and send the request again.

Response JSON Object:
  • status (string) – (required)

  • target_path (string) – Single path for encryption endpoints

GET /encryption/compress_encrypt/{request_id}

Check the status of compression with encryption

Check the status of compression with encryption

  • request_id (string) –

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – This means that the status has been returned to the user in the response body.

  • 400 Bad Request – This means that the request ID given by the user is incorrect.

  • 401 Unauthorized – This means that the user is not authenticated with keycloak and compression with encryption can’t be triggered unless the user first log in with a valid user

  • 404 Not Found – This means that the ID doesn’t exist and thus a status can’t be returned.

  • 414 Request URI Too Long – This means that the the request ID is longer than the server is willing to interpret.

  • 500 Internal Server Error – This means that something has gone wrong on the burst buffer. The user is advised to wait and send the request again.

Response JSON Object:
  • status (string) – (required)

  • target_path (string) – Single path for encryption endpoints

GET /encryption/decrypt_decompress/{request_id}

Check the status of decryption with decompression

Check the status of decryption with decompression

  • request_id (string) –

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – This means that the status has been returned to the user in the response body.

  • 400 Bad Request – This means that the request ID given by the user is incorrect.

  • 401 Unauthorized – This means that the user is not authenticated with keycloak and decryption with decompression can’t be triggered unless the user first log in with a valid user

  • 404 Not Found – This means that the ID doesn’t exist and thus a status can’t be returned.

  • 414 Request URI Too Long – This means that the the request ID is longer than the server is willing to interpret.

  • 500 Internal Server Error – This means that something has gone wrong on the burst buffer. The user is advised to wait and send the request again.

Response JSON Object:
  • status (string) – (required)

  • target_path (string) – Single path for encryption endpoints

GET /encryption/compress/{request_id}

Check the status of a compression

Check the status of a compression

  • request_id (string) –

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – This means that the status has been returned to the user in the response body.

  • 400 Bad Request – This means that the request ID given by the user is incorrect.

  • 401 Unauthorized – This means that the user is not authenticated with keycloak and compression can’t be triggered unless the user first log in with a valid user

  • 404 Not Found – This means that the ID doesn’t exist and thus a status can’t be returned.

  • 414 Request URI Too Long – This means that the the request ID is longer than the server is willing to interpret.

  • 500 Internal Server Error – This means that something has gone wrong on the burst buffer. The user is advised to wait and send the request again.

Response JSON Object:
  • status (string) – (required)

  • target_path (string) – Single path for encryption endpoints

GET /encryption/decompress/{request_id}

Check the status of a decompression

Check the status of a decompression

  • request_id (string) –

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – This means that the status has been returned to the user in the response body.

  • 400 Bad Request – This means that the request ID given by the user is incorrect.

  • 401 Unauthorized – This means that the user is not authenticated with keycloak and decompression can’t be triggered unless the user first log in with a valid user

  • 404 Not Found – This means that the ID doesn’t exist and thus a status can’t be returned.

  • 414 Request URI Too Long – This means that the the request ID is longer than the server is willing to interpret.

  • 500 Internal Server Error – This means that something has gone wrong on the burst buffer. The user is advised to wait and send the request again.

Response JSON Object:
  • status (string) – (required)

  • target_path (string) – Single path for encryption endpoints